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Daily Schedule

A Peek at a typical day in Mrs. Clark’s PreK class…

7:40 – Breakfast and Bathroom Break

8:10 – Class Begins – We pick a leader and head off to Rise and Shine

8:15 – Rise and Shine

8:45 – Class Meeting – The leader gets to help me teach the class to go over the Calendar and many different math and reading activities on the SmartBoard

9:00 – Morning Work

9:25 – Brain Break – Something fun to get our wiggles out

9:35 – Reading Group – We’ll read a story related to that weeks topic and have a class discussion

10:00 – RECESS!!!

10:25 – Table Time – Kiddos will move to all 3 tables to complete 3 different learning activites...typically math, handwriting/cutting, and technology

11:00 – Name of the Day – The leader gets to help teach us all about the letters in their name and we get to learn fun new things about them.  We also get lots of reading practice learning our “popcorn words” which are sight words.

11:30 – LUNCH!!!

12:00 – Bathroom Break and RECESS

12:30 – Rest Time

1:45 – Center Time

2:25 – Snack Time

2:45 – Time to go HOME!!!



Cindy Clark

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